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Krasnoyarsk region is one of the oldest mining regions in Russia. The work of many generations of pioneers and modern geologists in the region revealed and evaluated a unique variety and volume of complex consisting of 83 types of mineral raw materials. The mineral resource basicresearch region is more than 2.5 thousand deposits and promising ore occurrences. There are 1,472 deposits and 474 mineral occurrences on the state balance sheet, which makes up about 7% of all deposits in Russia.  The share of economically active reserves in modern conditions for different types of raw materials ranges from 15-20%.

Main industries mining industry:

 Gold mining industry-305 deposits contain 20.3% of gold reserves and resources of Russia, 32 enterprises develop 193 deposits, gold mining over 30 tons per year.

Coal mining industry-250 deposits, reserves of 69 billion tons, resources of 3 trillion tons. 331 billion tons, 16 coal sections with a capacity of more than 60 million tons of coal per year.

Production of non-ferrous and rare metals. Gorevsky Deposit (41,7 % lead Russia). Deposits of the Noril'sk district, extraction from nationwide – 71 % (Cu), 81 % (Ni), 50 % (Co), 98 % (platinum group metals).

Oil and gas industry-37 deposits, containing a significant part of the resources of oil and gas in Russia. Gas production is carried out, and in 2008 industrial production of the first 20 million tons of oil is planned.

   A large part of the reserves of oil, gas, iron ore, manganese, gold, lead, zinc, bauxite, antimony, rare earth, magnet, talcum and some other minerals are located in the economically underdeveloped areas of the Lower Angara region and the Far North and they can be regarded as potential resources.